Thursday, January 22, 2009

Scanned the cover of the Life section of the Straits Times - sorry that it's a poor scan! I was intrigued by the use of the title 'Hitman' because although it may seem out of the blue, unrelated, and an odd choice for a title (it doesn't seem to have much to do with the brief summary of the article - At the grand old age of...), it actually makes sense once you consider who it is being used to describe (or put another way, once we consider the context).

Clint Eastwood is a veteran actor who starred in many 'tough-guy' films where he was the lone gunslinger or trigger-happy cop. Hence the term 'hitman' is appropriate when we take into account his acting history and his roles in those films.

In his later years, he started to direct films, which have done very well at the box office, winning awards and critical acclaim. Therefore, his films were 'hits', making him the 'hitman'!

The play on the word 'hit' is what makes the title work - it takes advantage of the two possible meanings of 'hit' - an act of violence, or a succesful project, product or venture.

Just thought I'd share this for fun! Are there any hidden layers of meaning you've spotted and would like to point out?

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